According To, Act in, Certificate, Compare, Compliance, Comply, Illuminate, License, Look after, Notify, Photograph, Reason, Record, Reflect, Shine
Defend, Defensive, Guard, Look after, Protect
Depend On, Examine, Guard, Look after, Look at, Look at, Observe, Present, Read, Scrutinize, See, Take care of, Visit, Watch
Be in, Control, Guarantee, Heed, Key, Look after, Manage, Pay Attention To, Pipe, Provide, Regulate, Run, Straw, Tube, Wind Instrument
Defend, Guard, Look after, Protect, Shelter
Be fond of, Care For, Concerned, Dependents, Look after, Look back on, Look back on, Love, Relatives
Look after, Take care of
Look after, Take care of
Look after, Tend to
Look after, Take care of, Take good
Attend, Guard, Look after, Watch
Defend, Guard, Look after, Protect
Administer, Be Responsible, Look after, Take care of, Take charge of, To administer
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